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The Avalon Cordless Transducer System (CTS) helps transform labor and delivery, offering mothers and care teams the flexibility they seek by allowing comfortable, continuous fetal and maternal monitoring with exceptional mobility. Avalon CTS helps provide a constant and clear picture of patient status for confident decision-making.

Cordless toco transducer: externally measures uterine activity

Cordless ultrasound transducer: measures fetal movement and heart rate

Bed identifier: matches transducers and base stations for each bed

Base station receives transducer signals: and recharges plugged-in transducers

Transducer plug and play with automatic screen layout, in combination with Philips fetal monitors, allows focus on patient care, not the system

Transducer status indicators: shows how clearly system is working at all times

Slot position indicator: helps ensure each transducer is returned to its proper home position

Cordless ECG transducer: measures direct fetal ECG or maternal ECG

Battery charge indicator: shows status of charge (Batteries operate at least 16 hours

Philips Avalon CTS M1351a

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